By Integrated Marketing Platform   | March 06, 2023 | INTEGRATED MARKETING, MARKETING STRATEGY,


Top 10 Digital Marketing Trends To Include In 2023 Strategies

Publishing cute videos, paying for advertisements, buying blog sections, and getting engagement on Facebook was a good way to do Digital marketing once. Full Story: readwrite

A Surfer’s Guide To Marketing

It’s quiet here on the beach, so early in the morning. But I know I’m in the right place because I see a few other surfers out there at the break. Full Story: Forbes

Three Ways Web3 Could Redefine Marketing

We have reached the “put up or shut up” era of Web3. Full Story: Forbes

Marketing mix modeling: A marketer’s guide

With increased pressure to prove the value of marketing, it’s time to revisit the MMM approach. Full Story: Martech

5 Common Startup Content Marketing Mistakes

Content marketing is one of the most important promotional strategies for early-stage startups. Full Story: Forbes

2023 Marketing Trends You Should Pay Attention To

It’s been said that if you are standing still, you are moving backward. This is especially true today. Full Story: Forbes


How Brands’ Social Media Marketing Is Evolving

There’s one word you need to know about brands’ social media marketing right now: video. Full Story: Forbes

9 Ways To Generate Leads On Social Media

Social media isn’t just for conversations with people you already know. Full Story: Forbes

How to Improve Your Social Marketing With User-Generated Content

Have your influencer campaigns stopped performing? Wondering how to find and amplify engaging user-generated content (UGC)? Full Story: SocialMediaExaminer

Fundamental Problems On Social Media Platforms

If a party guest made a racist comment at the dinner table, would you blame the host? Full Story: Forbes

What Social Media Trends to Expect for 2023

As user behavior changes, brands must plan for more personalized, authentic, and thoughtful social media strategies to stay relevant. Full Story: CMSwire


Keyword research for SEO: 6 questions you must ask yourself

Answering these questions will help you strategically create content that resonates with searchers and drives SEO results. Full Story: Search Engine Land

How SEO can help grow your digital presence

SEO is one of the most important activities that need to be done in 2023, Full Story: Newsday

A guide to keyword cannibalization in SEO and how to fix it

Learn how to gauge whether your site has a keyword cannibalization problem and solutions to consider for better SEO results. Full Story: Search Engine Land

7 ways to optimize your blog for SEO

If you are a blogger or a business that is looking to improve your website’s search engine visibility, then you need to start creating an SEO-optimized blog. Full Story: ITM

SEO Is a Part of Standard Web Design

A brilliant website without visitors is worthless! Here is where SEO steps in. Full Story: LAProgressive


Mobile Experiences For Businesses: How To Boost Accessibility And Revenue

Mobile experiences have become increasingly important for many businesses, as more and more consumers are turning to their smartphones for their daily needs. Full Story: Forbes

Reasons why proper app user onboarding Is crucial in 2023

Mobile app marketing is a quick, constantly-changing industry. Full Story: Mobile Marketing Magazine

Artificial Intelligence for Mobile App Development

Artificial Intelligence has already changed every aspect of our life and almost every technology niche, leaving each month fewer areas to explore. Full Story: Robotics and Automation News

How visual AI can solve the challenge of native mobile app testing

Consumers today live in a mobile-first world. Full Story: VentureBeat


OOH Advertising and Its Evolution

There couldn’t be more exciting time than this to indulge in the out-of-home advertising field. Full Story: MartechSeries

Why Advertisers Should Switch to Immersive Advertising

Discover the advantages of immersive advertising and why brands should consider it. Full Story: Spicework


Digital advertising revenue will surpass $700 billion by 2025, according to Statista. Full Story: AdAge


Five Ways to Realign Your Email Marketing to Your Overall Business Goals in 2023

Imagine this: It’s 2023, your email subscribers are converting, your bounce rate is dropping, Full Story: MarketingProfs

What is Cost per Lead Email Marketing and tips for optimizing your Marketing Campaigns

Cost per Lead Email Marketing and tips for optimizing. Full Story: PromotionWorld

Email Personalization: The Forgotten Art of Making People Feel Heard

Email personalization is a key ingredient for a successful email marketing program. Full Story: CEOWORLD Magazine


3 Ways E-Commerce Businesses Can Continue to Thrive

For the last few years, retailers have been bracing for the economy to take another downturn. Full Story: TotalRetail

Anonymous Visitors Are On The Rise: Is Your E-Commerce Business Ready?

It might seem surprising, but in 2023, the online consumer is more mysterious than ever. Full Story: Forbes

4 steps to a better ecommerce strategy

Though ecommerce growth has slowed from its explosive surge during 2020, it continues to make up a larger portion of total retail sales. Full Story: Insider Intelligence

eCommerce Website Conversion Rate Optimization Guide

Increasing the performance of your website to convert more visitors into leads and customers is called conversion rate optimization (CRO). Full Story: startupguys


The essential do’s and dont’s of PR for startups

Public Relations (PR) is durable and this can be a great thing, or a terrible one for your business. Full Story: EU-Startups

Four Effective Strategies Every Investor Relations Exec Should Follow

Over the years, the role of investor relations (IR) has included some pretty standard responsibilities. Full Story: Nasdaq


How to Elevate Your Market Research Strategy for Better Decision-Making

Here’s how integrating market research platforms can enhance your strategy and provide deeper insights for better decision-making. Full Story: Entrepreneur


Why HTML5? Exploring the latest iteration of HTML

HTML5 is the latest version of the veteran Hypertext Markup Language we all use every single day on the internet. But what is it?  Full Story: Interesting Engineering

What is the Bootstrap CSS Framework?

To understand Bootstrap CSS, we must first define and understand each term. Full Story: NewsAnyway

Python For Beginners: What Makes It the Ideal Language To Start With?

Learning how to code is one of the bеst ways to start your carееr. Full Story: What’s Trending

A Comprehensive Guide to WordPress Themes and Plugins

WordPress is the ideal choice for website development, Full Story: Publicist Paper


Marketing Automation: Everything You Should Know

Software used to carry out, manage, and automate marketing tasks and processes are known as marketing automation. Full Story: Enepsters 

AI Copywriting And SEO: Is It Worth It?

Large language models like ChatGPT are revolutionizing the internet. Full Story: Forbes

Five Artificial Intelligence Predictions For The Near Future

When it comes to artificial intelligence (AI), the advances we saw in 2021 pale in comparison to those that occurred last year, Full Story: Forbes


10 Best Tools for Marketing Analytics in 2023

The following is a list of the best marketing analytics tools for 2023. Full Story: Analytics Insigh

How Business Intelligence Can Help With Digital Transformation

In today’s business landscape, digital transformation has become a necessity for companies looking to remain competitive and relevant. Full Story: Business Review

9 significant trends that will shape the enterprise Business Intelligence landscape

The COVID-19 pandemic drove companies to migrate their budgets towards cloud BI and analytics platforms. Full Story: wire19


Good (and Bad) Branding Advice That Can Make (or Break) Your Success

Not all advice about branding is worth listening to, but how do you differentiate between the good and the bad? Full Story: Entrepreneur

9 Fundamental Components Of An Effective Brand Strategy

You may often wonder what does a digital marketing agency do? Full Story: TechDay


The top 5 advances in voice-assistant technology in 2023

Voice assistant technology has become an essential part of our daily lives because they make it simple and fast to obtain information and services. Full Story: Analytics Insight

Samsung Bixby Update Replies To Calls Using Your Voice

Samsung’s voice assistant Bixby recently launched its Text Call feature. It uses an electronic voice to respond to voice calls with text messages. Full Story: Inquirer

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